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What does it take 
start your healing journey?

Your Healing Starts With YOU!
At Ebony Healing  Web Strive to discover, create, and develop natural and positive alternatives to support the HUEman Genome, our way of life, and our community. We innerstand and aware that the body and mind is a Temple in which our God-Self resides and with that it should be kept cleansed at least 4 times out of the year. as we are called to carry out change in this world. We know to be consciously aware that our body is a vessel and it should be surrounded around positive energy, good thoughts, and high vibrational food daily.  Asé 
ÉnŪmmi  (immune spelled backwards) is our branded natural detox remedies crafted to assists you with eliminating toxins, mucus, and other harmful impurities from the body that lead to alterations in the HUEman Genome. These alterations lead to most ailments and defects, including but not limited to: Insomnia, Lupus, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Depression, Stress, Fatigue, your ability to lose and/or gain weight, etc. However, our detox are created specifically for you to target the source of the problem, which we have found that settled toxins stored in the body accumulate overtime due to the typical Americanized Diet (dead & poisonous food), and  water and air pollutants designed to keep you sick such as; chemtrails, radiation, unclean water and drinking systems, and western medical practices. These chemicals and pollutants enter your body unrecognized by your brain, and as a result, your body stores the toxins and waste as fat or it harbors it until it knowns what to do with it; including causing your body negative reactions. This in turn, releases signals or (hormones) to the rest of the body altering your body's hormonal balance and natural ability to use the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to perform at its best. This causes the body to provide symptoms such as difficulties gaining/losing weight, problems focusing, restlessness, headaches, random stiffness and commonly diagnosed as ailments, such as, High Blood Pressure, Cancer, Diabetes, MS, Lupus etc. 10 Signs Your Body Is Screaming For A Detox. 
If you're choosing to start your journey of natural cleansing with ÉnŪmmi detox remedies it is important to understand the process, as understanding it is very vital to your health journey success. Detoxing with ÉnŪmmi is more than just drinking the remedy for results. Detoxing with ÉnŪmmi is a complete lifestyle 360 turn around! You will be ridding your body of the toxins and unhealthy substances that have taken control of your mind, body, and soul which clouds your judgment with negative thoughts, causes your body pain, fatigue, dis-ease, and often times weight-gain or malnourishment; and by leaving your soul feeling disconnected from the Creator, The Source of you and your purpose here.

By ordering today, you are making a commitment to YOU,
which includes your mind, body, and soul. Your temple where your God-Self resides. This is something to celebrate as you move forward to make a conscious decisions to serve and love the God within. This is the time where you will become aware of the energy of everything around you and how it impacts your temple. If it does not serve you or impact your life positively moving forward, you will choose to not entertain it. You will choose to make better decisions for your life so that humanity will seek you and reward you for all your good. You will choose love and peace over hate and disharmony. You will choose to not limit your mind of any possibilities. You must believe in yourself at all times, strive for greatness, provide loving service to others, and always feed your mind, body and soul positive affirmations, nourishing food and keep it CLEANSED.
This next step should be seen as a commitment to yourself. YOU set the bar for your own life and by selecting that 
"Start Consultation" button below, you will be choosing to set it higher than ever before. We love you and support your healing journey, and are welcoming you aboard to our Self Healing Movement. Your Healing Starts With YOU!


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Ebony Healing Detox Remedies are herbal formulas and products designed specifically to assist each individual in achieving optimal health by aiding their body in the natural process of disposing and eliminating toxins, waste, and mucus. Our customers have displayed breakthroughs in several areas such as; weight loss, energy, happiness, a decrease in stress and anxiety, and more.Additionally, we would like our users to be advised that our product is not intended to replace or contradict the services of a qualified health specialist/physician in the treatment of any ailment or disease. This product has not been reviewed or approved by the FDA.


All material provided at EBONYHEALING.COM is for informational purposes only, and is not to be taken as medical advice or recommendation. Any health concern or condition should be addressed by a doctor or other appropriate health care professional. The information and opinions found on this website are written based on the best data available at the time of writing, and are believed to be accurate according to the best discernment of the authors. Those who do not seek council from the appropriate health care authority assume the liability of any injury which may occur. Additionally, the opinions expressed at EBONYHEALING.COM do not represent the views of each and every author or contributor to EBONYHEALING.COM. The publisher of this site is not responsible for any errors or omissions in any content herein.​

Please note that this product information is not intended to replace or contradict the services of a qualified health Specialist/Physician in the treatment of any ailment/disease. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Any application of the information herein is at the reader's discretion and the sole responsibility of the individual who has chosen to use this herbal product. Results may vary based on ethnic background and commitment to the Ebony Healing's individual recommended dosage and meal plan.

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